Canadian Plastics

Buyers Guide

HASCO Canada Inc.

60 Ironside Crescent Unit 5, Scarborough, ON, M1X 1G4, Canada

Year established: 1999
Number of employees: 8
Contact Supplier See Tel#, ask question, request materials, RFQ

HASCO Canada Inc.

Buyers Guide Section


HASCO the Original and only Full-Range Supplier, is a true global company with operations in 38 countries around the Globe. Serving the plastics industry, since 98 years. HASCO the inventor of the standard mould base, is offering today over 100,000 different products, starting with the standard mould bases, mould plates, guiding elements, demoulding devices, cooling systems, unscrewing components and a complete line of hotrunner products. We are offering the highest quality standard products, made in Germany and Europe, with fair market pricing, reliable local service & support and local stock.

Quality ISO

ISO 9001


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