Canadian Plastics

Buyers Guide

Monster Polymers Inc.

300 Prisque Rd, Honey Harbour, ON, P0E 1E0, Canada

Year established: 1990
Number of employees: 6
Contact Supplier See Tel#, ask question, request materials, RFQ

Monster Polymers Inc.

Buyers Guide Section


Global sales and trading of prime, commodity, and engineering thermoplastic raw materials providing the perfect solution at the right price. Family owned business with more than three decades of providing solutions, service and satisfaction to our customers. Monster polymers is passionate about plastics and providing professional solutions with a promise we will always go the extra mile for our customers. Monster polymers is your honest, reliable, trusted, flexible, responsive and most important resin supplier. We deliver what we promise! Satisfying customers is our commitment and the strength.


Aquafil, Italy
Formosa Plastics, Taiwan
Samsung, Korea.


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