Canadian Plastics

Buyers Guide

Heffco Elastomers Inc.

19B Upper Wellington St, Simcoe, ON, N3Y4K8, Canada

Year established: 2002
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Heffco Elastomers Inc.

Buyers Guide Section


Headquartered in Ontario, Canada with warehousing across North America, Heffco Elastomers specializes in the production and sales of Reprocessed Rubber & Plastic Recyclates. We provide recycled rubber and plastics for compounding, rubber surfacing for athletic fields, additivies for asphalt and crack sealant, rubber mulch, rubber equestrian footing and more. Heffco is a supplier of cryogenic and ambient ground rubber and plastics. Materials are available in a particle size distribution to best match customer needs


Heffco Elastomers Inc, Simcoe, Ontario


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