Canadian Plastics

Buyers Guide

Rapid Granulator, Inc.

555 West Park Road, Leetsdale, PA, 15056, USA

Year established: 1942
Number of employees: 150
Contact Supplier See Tel#, ask question, request materials, RFQ

Rapid Granulator, Inc.

Buyers Guide Section


Founded in 1942, Rapid Granulator began in Bredaryd, Sweden by an entrepreneur and visionary who was guided by strong values. Those values continue on today with more than 100,000 granulators installed in more than 100 countries. All of the cutting chambers and rotors are still made in Sweden today. Since 1978 Rapid Granulator, Inc. has served the North American market with service, support and assembly of granulators and shredders specifically configured to suit your needs. With more than 64 different models, Rapid can support your needs no matter how small or large your company is.


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