Canadian Plastics

Buyers Guide

Nylene Canada ULC. – Div. of Polymer Resource Corp. (PRC)

200 McNab St, Arnprior, ON, K7S 3P2, Canada

Number of employees: 150
Contact Supplier See Tel#, ask question, request materials, RFQ

Nylene Canada ULC. – Div. of Polymer Resource Corp. (PRC)

Buyers Guide Section


Nylene is a North American manufacturer of Polyamide/nylon-based specialty and engineering resins for the automotive, injection molding, packaging, wire and cable, rotational molding, extrusion, and carpet industries. Nylene specializes in developing custom formulations in prime and various reprocessed grades to meet cost and performance objectives for its customers. ISO certified, pioneer in Resource Recovery, Nylene offers its customers nylon recycling programs and products made with recycled content. Canadian faicility in Arnprior, Ontario. USA facilities in New Jersey and Kentucky


Custom Resins Inc., Hendersen, KY.
ALM Corp., Wayne, NJ


Raw Materials Categories

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