Canadian Plastics

Buyers Guide

Trust Chem Co., Ltd.

No.1069 Donglian Street, CangquianSub-District, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, -, 311121, China

Year established: 1996
Number of employees: 1150
Contact Supplier See Tel#, ask question, request materials, RFQ

Trust Chem Co., Ltd.

Buyers Guide Section


Trust Chem is the largest independent producer of organic pigments in Asia. As the specialist for dry powder organic pigments, we are renowned for our consistently high product quality, stringent quality control and excellent knowledge of organic synthesis. Trust Chem produces a wide range of classic pigments as well as high performance pigments (HPP) enabling our customers to produce a wide variety of colors.

Sales Offices

Trust Chem Canada Ltd., Uxbridge, Ontario


Trust Chem Co., Ltd.

Quality ISO

ISO 9001


Raw Materials Categories

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