Canadian Plastics

Buyers Guide

Lutek Équipement plastique Inc.

2268 ch. St-François,, Dorval, QC, H9P 1K2, Canada

Year established: 1990
Number of employees: 5
Contact Supplier See Tel#, ask question, request materials, RFQ

Lutek Équipement plastique Inc.

Buyers Guide Section


Founded in 1990, Lutek Plastic Equipment Inc, with narrow links established in the industry, Lutek represents internationally renowed manufacturers to some 500 companies established in Quebec, the Atlantic provinces and eastern Ontario. Made up of a team experienced in plastics over many decades, Lutek is not just a sales organisation, but also a valuable consultant when selecting and integrating equipments to meet your needs. We are therefore a source of solutions for your daily challenges.

Sales Offices

Lutek Équipement plastique inc, Dorval, Quebec


Machinery & Equipment Categories

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